Wednesday, June 30, 2010

an attempt at making maguro kara age...

there's this place in mie yang jual makanan made of maguro....sgt best okay and my favourite dish there happens to be maguro kara age (fried tuna).... 
kara age dia tak mcm kara age ayam yang seketul2 tu but more like maguro yang dicincang dan digoreng dalam batter....l

sebab tu lah rupa dia cam jemput jemput..... they don't look nice but taste wonderful....

tea time! people.....

haaaa...hari tu terlebih rajin...jarang saya buat minum petang ye...sebab sorang2 je kat umah...

so this was during a weekend...hubby pun ada kat umah and not at his lab for a change.. so whipped out the kuali and did a bit of frying and wa lah......jemput jemput desu

jemput jemput ni lain sikit...maid aunty sham yang ajar buat... dia pakai halia and sayur bayam... biasa org letak bawang ke ikan bilis je kan.... pastu hari tu saje rajin kan diri letak baking powder hasilnya....jemput2 tu naik sikit la...and dia crispy kat luar but soft inside. ....yum yum

fuzzy's tamagodon

this is not my first time....but somehow i still haven't gotten the timing right....patutnya telur tu toro toro gitu...half cooked patutnya....anyway hubby says aji ha okkay (rasa dah okay) mo sukoshi gambarimasu...

what happens when you get hubby to take the pic


he goes and muddles the thing...and i thought he was better at taking pics... i mean the chicken is there right in the middle 'doing' like that....hahaha lawak laaa

anyway this is my take on ホウレンソウクリームパスタ a.k.a. spaggeti krim bayam....yes i know korang mesti pikir...sedap ke? sbb kat malaysia yang biasa kita jumpa spagetti bolognaise habis habis pun carbonara kan...kat cni banyak kedai pasta and if you look at the menu...serious banyak.... but usually base sauce dia antara oil base, cream base, tomato base and because we're in japan 和風(japanese style) base sauces...

and ayam dia...well that's ayam panggang segera pakai rempah thai untuk buat yellow curry but i just slapped that on the chicken and baked it...sedap je.....hahaha

laksa penang....fuzzy style


i have loved laksa penang or as some call it laksa asam since i was a little kid in grade school... i would come home almost everyday smelling of the stuff...why? because i was a clumsy girl and sice there was never enough space in the cafeteria and enjoy it i usually sat next to a tree to have the little 50 cents bowl of laksa penang only to eventually spill it somewhere on my baju kurung....

growing up my mom never made laksa penang coz she's from terengganu and the only laksa she made was laksa kuah mentah or as i sometimes call it laksa kuah's sauce is similar to that of the laksam..anyway i'm not gonna argue if this dish is of kelantan or terengganu origin...since it's a futile effort..i'd have to be a historian...anyways back to laksa penang..well since my mom never made it i only had when we went out or when there's a pasar malam

after i started studying in usually get these cravings for food and the only way u get to eat them is if you cook it urself... and the easiest way to get the recipe is to go online... i have since forgotten from whom i got my recipe but i'm sure it came from the very popular i'm afraid if you want the recipe you'll have to search there coz there are many laksa penang recipes, so you'll have to choose the right one for you...

anyway since we're in japan and we sometimes can't get the fish they use in Malaysia..i usually use さば(mackerel) or さんま(pacific saury)....